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73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Der erste Gedanke zum User über dir

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 23:52

Der Nick des Users über mir scheint Programm! Like it!

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Was fällt dir zum Wort über dir ein?

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 23:40


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Ja ODER Nein

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 21:34

Ich weiss, aber es war ein Versuch wert es fehlzuinterpretieren
Nope, einer meiner besten Freunde ist schwul - leben und leben lassen und mit niemanden kann man so schön über Kerle lästern oder shoppen wie mit ihm =^-^=

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Was fällt dir zum Wort über dir ein?

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 21:32

Rapunzel neu Verföhnt

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Was fällt dir zum Wort über dir ein?

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 21:01

New Orleans

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Assoziationskette

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 19:24


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Was fällt dir zum Wort über dir ein?

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 19:23

Fünkchen Wahrheit

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 19:23

Hammerfall - Hearts on Fire

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Ja ODER Nein

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 19:22

Aktuell seit 4,5 Wochen in meiner Wohnung alleine, ohne einkaufen zu müssen, nur meine Arbeit und ich - nur ab und an kommt der Postbote mit Paketen und stört meine keine Arbeitswelt *_____* Also, aktuell ja - Corona sei dank! ;)
hast du schon einmal jemanden die Pest an den Hals gewünscht und demjenigen ist wirklich was passiert?

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 16332

Re: Entweder ODER Spiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 30.04.2020 19:20

Frühaufsteher oder Nachteule ;)

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~

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