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73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Hochzählen bis ins Unendliche

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:24



Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: T minus 1000

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:23



Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Was fällt dir zum Wort über dir ein?

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:21


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Zählt bis 1000

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:20



Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Ich wünsche mir... - Das böse Fee Spiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:19

(Man kann es ja mal probieren! XD)

 Dir wird dein Wunsch erfüllt, allerdings ergeht es dir dann wie Major Tom...völlig losgelöst von der Erde.,,

 Ich wünsche mir eine Birking Bag *______*

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Ja ODER Nein

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:13


trinkst du deine Cola mit Wasser verdünnt? 

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Entweder ODER Spiel

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:12

Eine Kombination? XD 

Simpsons oder FamilyGuy (Okay, von 2. Serie habe ich heute erst durch meine Patenkinder erfahren, aber nun ja... ) 

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Ask, Answer, Ask

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:11

Nope, zu teuer bei der instandhaltung

Bist du schon im Weihnachtsfeier und hast alle Geschenke bzw, die Liste bereits fertig vorbereitet? 

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



73, Weiblich

  12. Famous Novelist


Beiträge: 15078

Re: Namen von A-Z

von CheshireCat_86 am 11.09.2020 18:09


Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, "Can you show me the right direction?" The cat asked, "That depends on where you want to end up?" "I don't know where I want to end up" Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it really doesn't matter which direction you take, does it?"

~Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland~



31, Männlich

  13. Award Winning Author


Beiträge: 3955

Re: Wie kamt ihr zum Rollenspielen?

von Pennywise am 11.09.2020 17:24

ich schäme mich zu tode, aber ich hab durch meinpferdchen.de mit rollenspielen angefangen xD

You are not the voice inside your head. You are the one who hears it. 

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